Gel Neoveris can be ordered only on the official website of the manufacturer. To make a purchase, our managers must obtain your contact information, which can be posted on the site in reverse.
The drug can be found in retail pharmacies, but the manufacturer can not guarantee their quality. Counterfeit products are manufactured by third-party companies that use cheap substitutes for our components. Such drugs are both safe and ineffective. At best, they will not affect, but in case of intolerance can cause serious manifestations of allergies. You can easily get acquainted with the content and safety check of our preparations on the site. In addition, you can get acquainted with all the licenses, the results of clinical trials, the real opinions of satisfied customers, the recommendations of doctors, the rules of use of the drug.
It is up to you whether you trust the pharmacy, but we claim that it is better to buy the drug on the official website of the Czech Republic.